Proposed Calendar 2.0
~175 student days~
8 weeks of summer vacation
Customized learning
- more choices and pathways to be responsive to individual learners’ needs
- increases outcomes for personalized learning and individual growth based on multiple measures in addition to standardized tests
- increases opportunities for learning beyond traditional schoolhouse walls based on student interest (i.e. virtual, internships, job shadowing, civic engagement, camps, etc.) further involves families in the design of student goals and pathways
Minimize Disruption to Tech and Career Center Students
- provides more consistency in schedules throughout the region to ensure student attendance in tech. center programs
- minimizes disruptions to tech. center students increases potential opportunities for middle school students to experience tech. ed programs
Partnership with community organizations
- allows for intentional projects/initiatives during intersessions sprinkled throughout the school year
- provides opportunities for students to interface with community organizations during intersessions
- promotes planned projects with students, teachers and community organizations
- increases opportunities for schools/organizations to come together throughout the region during intersessions to provide new/different experiences for students increases opportunities for community to access school facilities throughout the year
Timely and responsive professional learning
- has the potential to reduce the need for substitutes
- allows for professional learning to be scheduled during non-instructional time to ensure the most important factor of student success - classroom teachers - remains in the classroom
- promotes regional and local opportunities
- allows for focused/in-depth professional learning provides time for team collaboration focused on student work and progress
Preserve quality instructional time
- provides full weeks of instruction (proven to enhance student engagement, learning and attendance)
- maximizes brain’s ability to synthesize, generalize and transfer learning through appropriate pacing
- provides a more natural rhythm of teaching and learning
Built-in weather days
- ensures fixed end-of-year date for childcare, vacation planning, camp registration, etc.
Predictable schedules for families to plan
- provides opportunities for families to visit distant relatives
- increases opportunities to schedule routine appointments during non-school hours
- likely to increase community/non-profit programming offerings during non-student days increases opportunities for families to take advantage of “off-season” rates
Vermont – Four Seasons
- increases opportunities to appreciate all of Vermont’s four seasons helps families budget for camps/activities throughout the year (instead of all during the summer)